Round hammershell and brownlip shell pendant |
Elastic brownlip bangle shell bangles |
Hammershell round w/ thick shell pendant |
Robles dice wood beads wooden necklaces |
7-8mm coco pklt in rasta tone in |
Coco heishe tiger brown coco bracelets |
Dangling 5 pcs. 15mmx12mm brownlip ovals |
Set of wax cord set jewelry |
Flower mop w/ hammershell shell pendant |
Dragon carving mop 45mm shell pendant |
Black lip pendant hand painted pendant |
2-3mm lavender coco pokalet coco beads coconut necklace |
Miniature mop bird pendant shell pendant |
Wood rose 35mm pendants wooden pendant |
Land snail shell molten gold metal jewelry |
12 rows multicolored twisted glass beads bracelets |
45mm pink hammershell flower shell pendant |
Capiz scallop shaped plate gifts decorative souvenir item |